
Saturday, March 17, 2012

Gearing up for one busy week...

I have SO much to do in the next couple days...lots of school work, packing and MOVING! Thats right, we get our keys to our new apartment on Wednesday, and we will be done moving by Saturday. Knowing my OCD butt, we'll be unpacked by Sunday. Words cannot express how excited I am for the boys to have their own room (NO MORE TOYS ALL OVER THE LIVING ROOM!!!). I am sure there will still be toys, but their home will not be in our main living area. A HUGE closet, kitchen...ugh, I'm so pumped. I'm seriously about to go crazy here!

So the packing begins, now. I really don't have a lot that has to be packed. Books, DVD's kitchen stuff and cleaning supplies. Everything else is already done.

Hopefully once we move I will be able to update more and have more time and room for crafts!

Wish us luck. If anyone wants to help, we are moving on Saturday around 10am. Just hit me up. Marc cannot lift anything as he is still unable to completely walk.

<3 and thanks,


Thursday, March 8, 2012

A Wish List

As the plans are coming together for our new apartment, the wheels in my head are turning and I am creating a "wish list" of items I want to decorate and make our apartment truly a home. This will be the place that Marcus and I live as a married couple, at least for a little while. Hopefully we will buy a house in the next year or so, but until then, we plan on living in the apartment we're moving into at the end of this month.

Pinterest has really gotten me into some trouble for this wish list. I keep seeing all of these neat ideas! While my obsession with Pinterest has actually calmed down, I've turned my obsession to the things we need/want.

Wish List

1. A bunk bed for Buddy and Riley's room. ~ My Aunt has one that we will hopefully be able to take off her hands, but we will need mattresses for it. Christy's has a futon on the bottom, and a twin on the top, which I like because if we ever have visitors (HINT HINT, family and friends), we can put them up in there, too! We will also need bedding for the bunk bed. I'm thinking navy blue, since I plan on decorating with sports teams (Marcus is a fan of the Patriots, Red Sox, Auburn, and Celtics). I've got grand plans to paint signs for that room, too :)

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2. A kitchen table ~ My sister has one we can take off her hands, but it needs some work. I have some plans for this (thanks Pinterest). I want to paint it grey, with some kind of chevron stripes because I'm pretty much obsessed with them right now. We'll see how that turns out. This is something I am SO excited about. My fondest memories as a child are of my family sitting around the kitchen table eating dinner. We are currently unable to do that because we don't have a kitchen big enough for a table.

kitchen table redo
3. A new dresser or bedroom set ~ Yes, either one will do. We absolutely need more space for our clothes. We will have a larger closet, but I would like a dresser at the very least. I what I'd really like is an entire new bedroom set, but as that is not in the budget, we'll see what happens. We are trolling craigslist and facebook sites for one. Should we get a new bedroom set, the bed we currently have will go in the guest bedroom.

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4. A new mattress ~ also, not an essential but something we're really hoping to get soon. The mattress we have now is pretty old. If we get one, we'll put the old one in the guest bedroom.

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5. A coffee table ~ the coffee table we are currently using is one of those padded ottomans, which is nice, but its hard to place drinks on it. We'd like new side tables or just a coffee table. Again, trolling craigslist.

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6. A command center ~ This is an idea i've never heard of until recently!  I have desk and bookshelf. I'd like to get one more bookshelf and set each one on either side of my desk in our future kitchen. Grand things will go down at the, blogs, homework, crafts, endless procrastination....
A "household command center" in the kitchen is a MUST!

7. A toy box for Buddy and Riley's room ~ I have idea's for this. I want one of those shelving units with the 12 x 12 boxes that you can put things in. Right now their toys are basically in a laundry basket. It keeps stuff out of the way, but its hard for them to play with everything because they have to dump it all out to reach the stuff at the bottom.

Functional toy box.
As you can tell, I'm pretty excited about this move. I already have the stuff for the boys future bathroom, I have a sign made to hang in there (I'll do a grand reveal when it's all done).

Friday, March 2, 2012

Wow! Life has really not calmed down since probably August. Trying to finish up my masters, coaching, and working is a lot, plus I want to spend time with my sweet boys and see friends. But, I really can't complain. I am lucky enough to have an amazing job, the opportunity to go to school, and coach some of my favorite kids, all on top of planning the wedding of my dreams to my sweet fiance. awesome is that??

I am looking forward to June 21st when I will OFFICIALLY BE DONE at Georgia Southern. I love being an EAGLE and I know that I am a part of one of the best Education schools in the country (seriously, look it up!), but along with that comes a lot of work and time. It will be nice to relax and read for fun rather than just for school. I am considering doing an Ed.S program that meets one Saturday a month for a year...but that is yet to be determined. We will see.

Along with all this craziness, I have yet to lose a pound this year. I've actually gained weight (right now I'm at +2, which isn't too bad). I want to LOSE weight! So, Marcus and I have both decided to do Body by Vi. They are shakes you drink for 2 meals along with a snack and then a regular meal.  I will most likely do breakfast and lunch. They kind of taste like cake mix, and you mix them with milk, fruit, or juice. Or just water, whatever you choose. Anyway, we did the $100 package and it lasts you a month (two meals a day for 30 days). Seems like a lot, but it really equals to less or the same when you consider how much a lean cuisine costs. And those things never fill me up so I also have a snack, etc. So, we'll see how that goes. We are not distributing, but if you would like to order you can go to this website.

If you decide to order (join the challenge), it sets you up with a website and it automatically draws out of your account every month. You can go in and opt out of that. If you refer three people through your site, your kit is free. Regardless of people ordering from my site, I am doing the challenge, but hey, if you want to order from me and it be free, that'd be great :) Carlos, a guy I went to high school with, lost 37 lbs in 90 days without working out, and a lady I work with lost 4lbs the first week she started.

So, pray for me that this stuff actually works! I need to be dress and beach ready :) Insanity will start SOON!