
Monday, January 30, 2012

Grocery List

Another Pinterest creation! I saw this idea for a grocery list that has a menu on the top, a list of things you buy the most, and then room for extras. It was on this website:

But, I am computer illiterate and couldn't figure out how to edit the pdf's. Soooo I decided to create my own that was similar!

If you want to use it send me your e-mail and I can send it to you, you can edit it to your own liking. I went grocery shopping tonight and it only took about 30mins to get everything I needed! Miracle! LOVE IT. I got a clip board from one of my students for Christmas, so I just took some magnets (they have a sticky side you peel off) I had added them to the back of the clip board. It is now on the fridge! Marcus said he loved it because he feels like he can help make my list whenever he thinks of things.

I also put all of my stuff into today, and made a budget for us. I'm really excited to finally be on the right track. Just pray I stay that way!


Saturday, January 28, 2012

Homemade headband!

Okay, let me be honest here. My original plan was to make a vest out of this t-shirt. I found these awesome drapy shirts at gap this summer for 11 dollars. 11 DOLLARS! They fit perfect. So of course I buy three of them, because really, how often do you find awesome drapy shirts that fit perfect? (Hi, my name is Angela and I have a shopping addiction)

Annnywayyyy, so I wear them, I wash them, and they SHRINK. I promise I washed them in cold, dried on low heat. Whatever. They've hung in my closet since then. I try them on every once in a while hoping maybe something changed and they'll fit.

Well today, I try on the blue one again. Looks lame. So I have this a-ha! moment of pinterest inspiration and decide to turn them into an awesome drapy vest.

I cut the sleeves off.

Cut down the middle

Cut the arm hole in the back wider. Put it on, thinking man, this is gonna be awesome.
One word.

No, two words.

Ultimate Fail.
There's a reason they use big shirts when they make those things. So they'll drape IN FRONT of you, not weirdly at your sides/on your back.

So I think, Oh! saw a t-shirt scarf on pinterest, maybe I'll try that. But since I cut down the middle I could make that either. double fail.

Then I thought maybe I can make a braided headband. I think I saw that on there once. Couldn't find it. But since I had already cut the dang shirt to pieces, I thought I'd do it from my brain.


Cut three long pieces out of the shirt, like so ^. I would cut across the shirt, rather than up, that way your headband is long enough to go around your head. My headband had to be extended because the way I cut wasn't long enough to fit my big head :)

Tie the three pieces together at the top so it's easier to braid.

Then braid. I held the knot in my mouth for easier, tighter braiding. There may be an easier way to do this, I'm not sure. Also, please notice my "Pretty Girl Rock" St. Patty's day shirt from Savannah last year. :)

Braided pieces! Now tie it around your head, and cut off extra ends. I used a stretchy jersey shirt, so I tied tightly and it stretches around my head. Like I said before, I had to extend it. I used an extra piece of the shirt and tied it on the ends. That part obviously goes in the back.

The final product:

It's actually staying on pretty good. I may try to run with it later and see if it stays, because I can NEVER find one that stays. Yay!

Tour of my classroom

Okay, so I've decided to share my classroom. Just for the heck of it...because I spend so much time there, why not share what it looks like? So here is a lovely tour of my classroom. I will probably add more to this post, as I did not take pictures of everything I wanted to take pics of.

First, let me give any new teachers some advice. Those machines where you cut out letters to make bulletin boards, signs, sayings, etc...they are TIME CONSUMING. Sometimes they're nice. and if you do it a little at a time, I am sure its worth it provided you save everything every time you change your board. I, on the other hand, am impatient. I think of something and want it done RIGHT then. I also like to color and paint. Most of the sayings, posters, and bulletin boards are things I wrote or painted on paper and canvas and laminated. I think it makes things more colorful and shows a little more of my personality.

I got a lot of my ideas from other teachers, particularly my friend Ashley, and then I adapt their ideas to fit my teaching style.

This is where my students turn in their work. I originally used the black trays for students to turn in work, but their papers ended up everywhere, so I switched to the clear drawers, that way there is no way I lose things. I use the black trays for work that needs to be returned. All of my books, coach books and workbooks are stored on that bookshelf. The students will keep whatever book we are using that day under their desks, and when we switch books they go back on the shelf.

I have a bucket for extra pencils. I hate pencil sharpeners, so I already have those sharpened. This is also where my tissues and germ-x are.

 The sign on the right is for the "Unit Essential Questions". I put a strip of velcro down the middle. I wrote the essential questions on sentence strips and put velcro on the back of those. Each unit I just switch the questions out and leave the sign up. I store them on the inside of my big cabinet in labeled folders (I'll get a picture of that up soon)

I have boxes under each row of desks that have scissors, rulers, and markers. This way when we use those items they can just pass it back.

I have stations around my room. This board is to practice government, economics, and religion, which are covered heavily in the standards I teach. The basics are on each card, and they match them up. I put felt on the boards, and velcro on the back of the cards. Each set goes into a folder that velcros onto the board. They also have magnets on the back so we can do them on the board as a class when we need.

A close up of my activity board.

This is my desk, which looks crazy in this picture. The line on the floor is something the kids can't cross unless they ask. Some kids don't understand "personal space". These are the very same children that forget about the line and stand right next to your chair without saying anything. Then you look up, are startled right out of your mind and they're all up in your face. If you are a teacher, you know what children I'm talking about. But we love them anyway. :)

My "Map-it" Section, another idea I stole from Ashley. I used a projection machine to trace the maps on poster board, then colored them. There are no labels. Instead, I put velcro on the area's that they have to know. Then I made labels with velcro on the back, so they can place the labels in the appropriate spot. The labels go in the envelopes, and the kids can practice their physical/political features.

Map of Canada and Australia :)

This is my "anchor work" center. I'll be honest, I'm not that diligent with anchor work, but I'm working on it. Students put their completed work in the folder for their class. The folders you see in the sideways boxes are for student work. Anything that is "basic" knowledge for our standards go in those for when we study for the CRCT. My marker boxes also go on this shelf when we aren't using them for a while.

Seven Habits board and "Shooting Stars" is for exemplar work

And these are the essential questions for the whole year - ones that are covered in every unit!

And that's my classroom :) I'll add more when I get the pictures.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Monkey Bread Muffins

If you are looking for a healthy breakfast, this is not for you. Please back out, go to another website. is a good place to look. If you see this, you will want to make it and eat it. It is toooo yummy!

One of my favorite things about Christmas is Monkey bread. Its an amazing treat and a tradition that I will certainly carry on if I ever do Christmas breakfast at my house. A few years back I wanted Monkey Bread but I didn't have a bundt pan, and I didn't want to make that much of it because I knew I would eat it all and gain 50lbs immediately following eating it. Then, I came across a recipe for Monkey Bread Muffins. PERFECT. So, here you go....

Heat your oven to 350. You will need buttermilk biscuits, cinnamon sugar, brown sugar, and butter. I buy the butter tastin' biscuits because I just love butter.

Cut the biscuits into fourths or fifths. I usually do fourths, but smaller may work better.

Roll the pieces into balls and roll the balls in cinnamon sugar until they are covered.

 Put four or five balls into each muffin space. Mix equal parts butter and brown sugar in a bowl and microwave about 30 seconds.

 Mix together and pour over each muffin like-so: 

That mixture of brown sugar and butter is sinful. Honestly, its amazing.

Bake 15-20 mins at 350 degrees. Take out, and enjoy!

Then run five miles in order to work off half of one.


Buddy's Birthday!

The past couple weeks have been nuts - as you have read. I pulled a psychology move and wrote a post venting about all the things that frustrated me, saved the draft, and then deleted it later. Sort of felt like writing a letter to someone and never sending it - but it was quite therapeutic. Basically it frustrates me how much everything costs when you don't have insurance, and how the Texas hospital handled Marcus. It hurts me to see how much pain he is still in. Also, our house we thought we were going to move into fell through (her tenant isn't moving out until April and we've got to be out of the apt in March). I found a quote that helped me realize that God may be testing us with all of this leg business and the house falling through, but we will come out stronger than ever. Everything will be okay :)

Marcus and Buddy share the same birthday, which was Thursday. Marcus was feeling down on Tuesday and he insists that January 19 is Buddy's birthday, and should be all about him, so I gave him his present early  :) I got him a Celtic hat and t-shirt, and we are going to a Hawks/Celtics game in April.

Saturday we had Buddy's birthday party at the Rincon Library playground. He had so much fun! We got him a leapster and a game (which I now can't find...gotta check the car). He also got some books from his brother and Julie and some toys from his Mama and sisters!  Thank you, also to Miss Ashley for coming :)

I say....success!!

Buddy with his siblings! From left: Riley, Buddy, Fiona and Liv. Beautiful children!

Before Buddy's party we had our Championship game for the basketball team. We had only lost one game this season - and our girls have been through A LOT. We've had 6:30am practices, Insanity, and one of our own became ill and was unable to finish the season playing (but she did and AMAZING job coaching). Though we played with a lot of heart and class, we did not come out victorious. I am really blessed to be part of such an amazing team, and coaching staff. I know I've said it before, but Coach Duke is really one of the best coaches and women I know. Thank you LADY MUSTANGS for an amazing season. Some of you have taught me more than you will ever know. Love y'all!!!

Also, in exciting news, I am going to start selling Premier Jewelry! I'm pretty excited about it. Let me know if you want to host a party!!


Saturday, January 14, 2012

Marcus' Poor leg

Well, Marcus is home from Texas. On Saturday I picked him up from the airport and he was in SO much pain. His leg was swollen, he had a fever and he was breathing really heavy, which scared me. Honestly, I was so overwhelmed at the prospect of what was to come. I knew Marcus would be in pain, but I had no idea how much.

On Sunday our friend Ashley came over to bring us some food and to hang out for a bit. Marcus' tongue had started to swell and he had blisters all over his leg. She suggested we call our friend Christina, who is a nurse. Marcus spoke to her about his symptoms and she told us to go to the ER as soon as possible. So Ashley took Buddy and we headed there. After 24 hours in the hospital he was released. He had an infection in his leg, a blood clot in his arm, and an allergic reaction to his pain meds.

Marcus is still in a lot of pain, but he seems to be doing a lot better each day. We are now trying to figure out where to go from here with an ortho and physical therapy. He will hopefully have some coverage medical-bill-wise, and I am hoping he will be in a cast this week so he can return to school. He is really upset about not being able to go to school right now and hoping that he will be able to return this semester. I know everything will be okay, and it is in Gods hands but please pray for Marcus! Who knew broken bones sucked this bad?? haha.

~Love to all

Friday, January 6, 2012

The Power of Prayer

This has been one heck of a week. Whole-EEEE cow. Seriously. First, we found out one of our players had to have a tumor removed and will be undergoing treatment for the rest of the school year. She is literally one of the STRONGEST girls I have ever met. She brings such joy and enthuasiam everywhere she goes. She is one heck of an athlete. More importantly she is one heck of a person. Today we had a game against our cross county rival. It was a tough and amazing game, and we came out victorious. After the game the other team asked us to come into their locker room. We formed a prayer circle, all mixed in with each other, and prayed for healing for our player. When it was her turn to pray she prayed for US to know that she will be okay. And she will be. What amazing girl. I really feels AMAZING to part of such an amazing community.

The next thing to happen this week was Marcus leaving for Texas. He was really excited about this. His team was sent to the National Collegiate Flag Football Tournament at Texas A&M. Wednesday night I got a call during my game. At the end of the game I sent him a text and said I'd call him soon, which he called right away. When I answered his friend Blake told me that Marcus had broken his leg, and they could see it sticking out of his leg. It hadn't broken the skin, but came very close. Long story short, he had surgery yesterday to put rods and screws in leg, and he is still in the hospital. They are releasing him tomorrow and he will be flying back to Savannah. I was not able to go out there and be with him, but he has been blessed with an amazing team who has been very supportive. He and I were both worried about how much everything would cost, but as long as he's okay, we'll figure it out. Yesterday I pretty much had a mental break down. That morning we got some sad news at school (more on that in a few months), everything going on with our player, and then Marcus went into surgery and I didn't hear from him for six hours. SIX HOURS. Seriously, mental breakdown. I knew he needed me to be strong, but being overwhelmed and a woman, I almost lost it. I heard from him right at the right time, and he was fine.

Today after the game one of my players came to me and said "Coach Burrell, I just want you to know everything will be okay. I'm praying for you and Marcus". Wow. A 12 year old made me feel instantly better. When I spoke to Marcus earlier he had found out that everything will be paid for and he can do therapy at school. WOW the power of prayer.

I am so excited to see him tomorrow. I am SO SO thankful for all of my wonderful friends and family. I am so thankful for all of Marcus' friends and family who have been there for both of us. Specifically - Amy, Ash, Jason, Melvin and Micah for being so helpful with the Budster. Keep prayin' y'all! So thankful for everyone!! xoxox.