
Saturday, January 28, 2012

Homemade headband!

Okay, let me be honest here. My original plan was to make a vest out of this t-shirt. I found these awesome drapy shirts at gap this summer for 11 dollars. 11 DOLLARS! They fit perfect. So of course I buy three of them, because really, how often do you find awesome drapy shirts that fit perfect? (Hi, my name is Angela and I have a shopping addiction)

Annnywayyyy, so I wear them, I wash them, and they SHRINK. I promise I washed them in cold, dried on low heat. Whatever. They've hung in my closet since then. I try them on every once in a while hoping maybe something changed and they'll fit.

Well today, I try on the blue one again. Looks lame. So I have this a-ha! moment of pinterest inspiration and decide to turn them into an awesome drapy vest.

I cut the sleeves off.

Cut down the middle

Cut the arm hole in the back wider. Put it on, thinking man, this is gonna be awesome.
One word.

No, two words.

Ultimate Fail.
There's a reason they use big shirts when they make those things. So they'll drape IN FRONT of you, not weirdly at your sides/on your back.

So I think, Oh! saw a t-shirt scarf on pinterest, maybe I'll try that. But since I cut down the middle I could make that either. double fail.

Then I thought maybe I can make a braided headband. I think I saw that on there once. Couldn't find it. But since I had already cut the dang shirt to pieces, I thought I'd do it from my brain.


Cut three long pieces out of the shirt, like so ^. I would cut across the shirt, rather than up, that way your headband is long enough to go around your head. My headband had to be extended because the way I cut wasn't long enough to fit my big head :)

Tie the three pieces together at the top so it's easier to braid.

Then braid. I held the knot in my mouth for easier, tighter braiding. There may be an easier way to do this, I'm not sure. Also, please notice my "Pretty Girl Rock" St. Patty's day shirt from Savannah last year. :)

Braided pieces! Now tie it around your head, and cut off extra ends. I used a stretchy jersey shirt, so I tied tightly and it stretches around my head. Like I said before, I had to extend it. I used an extra piece of the shirt and tied it on the ends. That part obviously goes in the back.

The final product:

It's actually staying on pretty good. I may try to run with it later and see if it stays, because I can NEVER find one that stays. Yay!

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