
Saturday, January 28, 2012

Tour of my classroom

Okay, so I've decided to share my classroom. Just for the heck of it...because I spend so much time there, why not share what it looks like? So here is a lovely tour of my classroom. I will probably add more to this post, as I did not take pictures of everything I wanted to take pics of.

First, let me give any new teachers some advice. Those machines where you cut out letters to make bulletin boards, signs, sayings, etc...they are TIME CONSUMING. Sometimes they're nice. and if you do it a little at a time, I am sure its worth it provided you save everything every time you change your board. I, on the other hand, am impatient. I think of something and want it done RIGHT then. I also like to color and paint. Most of the sayings, posters, and bulletin boards are things I wrote or painted on paper and canvas and laminated. I think it makes things more colorful and shows a little more of my personality.

I got a lot of my ideas from other teachers, particularly my friend Ashley, and then I adapt their ideas to fit my teaching style.

This is where my students turn in their work. I originally used the black trays for students to turn in work, but their papers ended up everywhere, so I switched to the clear drawers, that way there is no way I lose things. I use the black trays for work that needs to be returned. All of my books, coach books and workbooks are stored on that bookshelf. The students will keep whatever book we are using that day under their desks, and when we switch books they go back on the shelf.

I have a bucket for extra pencils. I hate pencil sharpeners, so I already have those sharpened. This is also where my tissues and germ-x are.

 The sign on the right is for the "Unit Essential Questions". I put a strip of velcro down the middle. I wrote the essential questions on sentence strips and put velcro on the back of those. Each unit I just switch the questions out and leave the sign up. I store them on the inside of my big cabinet in labeled folders (I'll get a picture of that up soon)

I have boxes under each row of desks that have scissors, rulers, and markers. This way when we use those items they can just pass it back.

I have stations around my room. This board is to practice government, economics, and religion, which are covered heavily in the standards I teach. The basics are on each card, and they match them up. I put felt on the boards, and velcro on the back of the cards. Each set goes into a folder that velcros onto the board. They also have magnets on the back so we can do them on the board as a class when we need.

A close up of my activity board.

This is my desk, which looks crazy in this picture. The line on the floor is something the kids can't cross unless they ask. Some kids don't understand "personal space". These are the very same children that forget about the line and stand right next to your chair without saying anything. Then you look up, are startled right out of your mind and they're all up in your face. If you are a teacher, you know what children I'm talking about. But we love them anyway. :)

My "Map-it" Section, another idea I stole from Ashley. I used a projection machine to trace the maps on poster board, then colored them. There are no labels. Instead, I put velcro on the area's that they have to know. Then I made labels with velcro on the back, so they can place the labels in the appropriate spot. The labels go in the envelopes, and the kids can practice their physical/political features.

Map of Canada and Australia :)

This is my "anchor work" center. I'll be honest, I'm not that diligent with anchor work, but I'm working on it. Students put their completed work in the folder for their class. The folders you see in the sideways boxes are for student work. Anything that is "basic" knowledge for our standards go in those for when we study for the CRCT. My marker boxes also go on this shelf when we aren't using them for a while.

Seven Habits board and "Shooting Stars" is for exemplar work

And these are the essential questions for the whole year - ones that are covered in every unit!

And that's my classroom :) I'll add more when I get the pictures.

1 comment:

  1. Love your classroom! Such good ideas!

    Melissa from Grin and Barrett Blog
