
Friday, December 30, 2011

Wrapping up 2011 - A year in review

2011...whew! What a year. It has certainly been crazy, life changing, challenging, and fun! There have been so many amazing and crazy things to happen this year. I have learned SO much, and it has been quite a whirlwind.

So, I give you my year in review:

1. Moving from Statesboro to Rincon

Moving out of Statesboro was a BIG deal for me. It meant leaving behind a lot of things, including the town I spent 6 and a half years in and many friends. Statesboro was very good to me for many years, but I found myself unhappy and wanted a change and to be closer to my work and close friends. I found a wonderful one bedroom apartment and with the help and encouragement of my friends and family, moved out on own!

2. Becoming closer with my work friends

Without a doubt, Ashley has become one of my closest friends and supported me through a really tough time and always had words of encouragement. She was there the day I got engaged (more on that later), and I was honored to stand by her on her wedding day. LOVE HER! I also became closer with Kendra this year, who now is just a couple doors down at work. She is a great friend and I can always count on her to make me smile! She is getting married today, and I am so happy for her! I switched teams this year, and was sad to be leaving Christine, but luckily she is just across the hall. I love me some Christine! She is always there for encouraging words, and is honestly one of the kindest people I know. Switching teams did mean working with Holly and Brandi, and of course Gail, who are three beautiful women who I love! Last, but certainly not least, is Amy who asked me to join her in coaching volleyball, as well as basketball this year. She is one heck of a woman, who is one of the most generous and giving women I have ever met. I hope to be the kind of mama, teacher, coach and woman she is one day.  Seriously, I am blessed with some amazing coworkers, and I have been lucky enough to get closer to them this year.

3. Meeting Marcus

Marcus and I met in February, while I was out on a girls day. We had an enjoyable conversation at his work, Pour Larry's, until he offered to buy me drinks and I rudely called him a liar :) Luckily, I had Ashley, who played on the flag football team he coached, to play match maker. She made sure he knew I was interested and he eventually got my number - and even offered to help me move! I moved in February 26 and he was there to do some heavy lifting. Thank goodness, because we've been together ever since.

4. Falling in love with Marcus

Being with Marcus is unlike any relationship I've ever been in. We come from different backgrounds, but we have similar goals and outlook on life. We get along so easily, as we have from the beginning. No matter what we do, whether laying around relaxing or going out for a night on the town, we always have a good time. We support each other and love each other very much. Marcus is a father to two beautiful boys, who I love so much. Falling in love with Marcus is one of the easiest things I've ever done and I feel so blessed to have met him!

5. Marcus and I got engaged!!!

On September 30, Marcus asked me to marry him! Obviously, this is life changing. We will be getting married on July 14, 2012, and we are super excited to start our life together as a married couple and family. I have never been so happy in my life! Check out our wedding website:

6. Pinterest

Yes, pinterest is on my list of exciting things to happen this year. How sad is that? I think I can officially say I am an addict. I have found some awesome inspiration on there! New food, new crafts, new blogs to read...whats not life changing about that??

Exciting things to come in 2012 (in time order):

1. Moving into a house

We are pretty confident we will be moving into a three bedroom house in March - which will be awesome because we will have more room! We aren't buying yet, but hopefully we will begin that process at the end of 2012.

2. Graduating from Grad School

I will be DONE with grad school in June 2012. I am SO SO SO excited. Don't get me wrong, I love learning, but it has been SO stressful the past few months. Its a big accomplishment, and I will be so excited to finish SOON!

3. Getting MARRIED!!!

As already mentioned Marcus and I are getting married on July 14, 2012!  This is a wonderful life-long journey that we are SO excited to begin!!

MR. and Mrs.

New Years Resolutions:

1. Get in shape!

Isn't this always my new years resolution? Ugh, I wish it wasn't this year, but it is! I lost 18 pounds this year...and promptly gained 10 of it back once Marcus and I got serious. Love adds weight, I tell ya! Anyway, I have a BEAUTIFUL wedding dress to fit into - so I'd like to lose about 12lbs and tighten up before July.

The Abs I want

2. Get organized

Life is so hectic. I plan to be more organized this year, so I don't feel so stressed. This is from the house to work to my car to my schedule.

3. Be a better teacher

I want to do more for my students and make my class more interesting this year. I feel as if I've become a boring teacher! Stress has gotten the better of me, but I plan to make the rest of this school year much more exciting and fun! I want my students to fall in love with social studies :)

4. Be a better Coach

I want to devote more time to my team and be more helpful. I haven't been able to give all I want to give this year - mostly because of grad school and everything else going on - but I definitely feel there is room for improvement.

5. Become financially sound

I am the first to admit that I am not always the best with my money - and this year I want to change that. I would like to be credit card debt free, and I want to start saving more money. We would like to buy a house soon, so saving is key. I plan to make a budget and STICK TO IT. I believe this will lead to less stress, also! Stress-free is the way to be :) I plan to do this with the help of I've downloaded the app and will start using it soon. I've read several websites that have recommend this website.

6. And finally, be a better person, future wife and friend.

I realize that is probably a little vague. Actually, a couple of these goals are vague. I'd like to read more, I'd like to read the Bible more, I'd like to spend more time with friends, and be there for more of them, and my family. I want to stay in better touch with my out of town friends (Shout out - Katie, Haley, Amber, Lynch, Kayla) I want to be a better daughter, sister, and aunt. I miss my family so much and they do so much for me - I want to stay in better touch with them.

Above picture is courtesy of Garin Jackson - more engagement photo's to come :)

Thank you everyone for this amazing year! The biggest thing I can take away from this year is that life is meant to be lived happily. If you're not happy on a day-to-day basis, it is up to YOU to change it. You cannot expect people to change for you, or to make things happen for you. Of course, you will have good days and bad days. But if you look back on the past month in your life and realize you've spent most of those days unhappy, fix it! Take life into your own hands and do what makes YOU happy. I think it is important to be selfless and do things for other people on a regular basis - but it is also important to make sure that YOU YOURSELF are happy. It is much easier to make everyone else happy once you have found joy for yourself. This year, I can finally say that I am very happy. I can't wait to see what 2012 brings!!!

1 comment:

  1. Great post! You had an exciting and successful year! Best wishes to you and your hubby to be. Married life is wonderful. Also, best of luck in the house search and buying process. We did our share of that this year. It is stressful, but stick together and it will be great! Love your blog!

