
Thursday, April 3, 2014

13 Weeks

13 Week Survey

How Far Along: 13 weeks

Size of baby: Your baby has reached the size of a medium shrimp and weighs nearly an ounce. (Length: almost 3 inches, head to bottom.) Fingerprints have formed on your baby's tiny fingertips, her veins and organs are clearly visible through her still-thin skin, and her body is starting to catch up with her head. The baby center website uses his/her interchangeably so I'm not changing it and it doesn't mean that's what we're having. We don't know yet.

Total Weight Gain/Loss: I don't think I've gained anything more than a pound or two, if that.

What I miss: Nothing really.

Sleep: I feel like I am up to pee a lot, and sometimes it takes longer than normal to go back to sleep.

Symptoms: I am terrified to take my prenatal vitamin because the past few times I have gotten sick. Other than that, I feel pretty good.

Cravings: Ham. Like, a ham and cheese sandwich is SO good to me right now.And any cold drink.

Best Moments this week: alone time this weekend with the hubs. I had big plans for organization, but it was nice to spend the weekend just the two of us without a ton to do.

What we are looking forward to:  Having the boys this weekend! We switch off weeks with Buddy's mom, Sarah, and then we have Riley every other weekend. Luckily it works out that we have the boys together every other weekend. While we do enjoy our alone time, by the end of Sarah's week with Buddy it is too quiet around our house and we are ready for the pitter patter of his little feet! Marcus wants to take the boys to see the new Captain America movie this weekend, and it should be beautiful out, so hopefully we can get some good outside time in!

Once I feel like I have a real bump, I'll put a picture up, but again, right now I don't really feel like it is a true preggo belly. 

1 comment:

  1. I had to and still take 2 flinstone vitamins (at night) instead of my regular prenatal (doctor recommended). It works better and is less harsh.
