
Sunday, July 29, 2012


When Marcus and I got married we talked a lot about living a positive life and keeping positive people around us. This is something that was very important to us because we felt like there were certain things that put stress on our lives and we really wanted to avoid that as much as possible.

One of the things I have changed about my life is that I have started reading the Bible. I can't say started reading the Bible "more", because I technically never read it on my own. Don't get me wrong, I am and have been a Christian pretty much all my life. I was baptized at age 14, was a member of a great church, but I don't think I ever knew how to read the Bible on my own. How do you pick a section and study it? In comes She Reads the Truth.


I can't quite remember where I saw this first, but a few bloggers and high school friends have mentioned it, and I finally got on board. It brings a sense of peace to read the Bible and really makes you think. Anyway, this is a large step in the right direction, for me, when it comes to living a life of positivity.

But here's the thing about living a life of "positivity" as we are trying to do. It is hard. Everywhere I look, I feel like there is so much negativity. People are down about something, or overly critical, or just plain mean. Let's take Pinterest and those lovely little e-cards. They are so funny! And then when you really start looking at them, almost all are sarcastic and mean. I realize that they are meant to be taken lightly, but really, when you are flooded with these thoughts on a regular basis, they start to become your thoughts, not to be taken lightly. For example, this particular e-card rang true for me.

Seriously. And when you start to not like someone, or have ill feelings toward them, EVERYTHING starts to annoy you. I was catching up on my Surrendered Life portion of She Reads the Truth, and I found several verses that helped me with this, particularly Ephesians 3:17-18 and also James 2:12-13. These (to me) speak of giving people mercy and forgiveness, and tell us not to make negative comments and bring people down. We should build them up!! Will people let you down? Of course. But holding on to those feelings only brings YOU down. Still, I struggle. Lets say there are particular people who bring you down. Is it the right thing to distance yourself from them? I don't know. I think so, but how do you do it in a positive way? I'm really not sure. Seeking that answer.

And, don't get me started on Facebook. Lawd, help me.

So, question, how do you stay away from all of the negative things in life? I know you can't from ALL, but does it weigh on your heart?

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